Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Fearless Fitness/Martial Arts: Referrals, Refrences and Testimonials

Fearless Fitness/Martial Arts: Referrals, Refrences and Testimonials: Opinions are like body parts some stink some don't. In today's business,   and the world of love and relationships,  references ...

Monday, October 28, 2013

Referrals, Refrences and Testimonials

Opinions are like body parts some stink some don't.

In today's business,  and the world of love and relationships, references are key.

Identify what other people are saying or feeling about you or your business,
 and take steps to ensure that the general consensus is in line with your goals.

I just want the money and the fame and the adoration, and I don't want any of the other stuff.
-Mathew Broderick-

Each day you have a choice to create references as you reinforce,
 inspire or create positive change in others.

How would you like to inspire others to.........
  • Take greater initiative at home and school?
  • Take more responsibility for their actions?
  • Value togetherness as a family?
  • Consistently treat peers, adults and themselves with respect?
  • Be honest even when the truth is difficult to share?
  • Courageously face fears and persist through challenges?
  • Be less influenced by negative peer pressure 
  • Be more able to stand up for what they believe in?

In relationships 'he said she said' is not uncommon .
It's even more common when one side feels scorned !
Expect conflicting reports from two or more parties on most issues
between men and women when there are no other witnesses. 
Celebrate Those Who Inspire

Echo of greatness

I made an oath to Joe Lewis that his profound influence on my life,
training and personal development would echo in eternity.

Mr. Lewis,
 beyond being the greatest fighter of all time was a self developed intellectual.
He understood that the cognitive / meta physical produced the physical.
He shared that attributes must be aligned with thoughtful expressive purpose.
Above all else in life through his personal development journey,
 he focused on producing intellectual fighters.
Joe Lewis   &   Dennis Nackard

He expressed through action, writing, and conversation his distaste for individuals 
whom were unable to express themselves from the trapping
s of regimented activities and groups.
This theme carried through his coaching, political discourse and friendships.

Joe Lewis was an independent individual,
 this made his greatness by example that much more powerful.
There is no need to connect his legacy through comparison.
He was his own shining beacon as much as any other legendary
 Martial Artist / Scientist.

Mr. Lewis studied, 
lived and expressed his spirit at a level only reached by a few contemporaries,
Bruce Lee, Mike Stone, Chuck Norris and Bill Wallace.

Joe Lewis was a proud Marine,
 He often paid tribute to his training in the Marine Corps and 
traditional Okinawan Arts.
From this foundation he built an independent process
 by which he and others he mentored from could launch themselves
 into an expression of self through their own independent intrinsic spirit.

-Ian Marshall-

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Fearless Fitness/Martial Arts: purple mountain majesties

Fearless Fitness/Martial Arts: purple mountain majesties: For purple mountains majesty above the fruited plain ! America! America! God shed His grace on thee, And crown thy good with brotherh...

Monday, October 21, 2013

Fearless Fitness/Martial Arts: I Can....

Fearless Fitness/Martial Arts: I Can....: Other than weighted walking and classes at the Joe Lewis Research Conference, Since my surgery and resulting infection this was gym ...

purple mountain majesties

For purple mountains majesty
above the fruited plain !
America! America! God shed His grace on thee,

And crown thy good with brotherhood

From sea to shining sea!

Develop an attitude of gratitude
and give thanks everything that happens to you,know that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation.

-brian tracey-

It's important that you use adversity as an “energy force”
 to dig deep down into your spirit to do things more effectively !
If you understand how adversity works you realize..
when adversity occurs it's time to challenge your mind
to reach higher heights !

Negative body image, Crippling debt,
 losing a job, at love or in the ring  .....

Every adverse situation you face creates an opportunity 
if you believe it to be so !

Remember in your heart and mind,
adversity makes you stronger....not weaker !!

Regular training, reading, exploring our amazing country
 all help me keep my eye on the prize.

Reminds me of something my dad used to say,
"Times are tough all over."

I guess this was supposed to remind me,
 to have an attitude of gratitude
 and that the grass wasn't greener....

I guess it could be worse, 
I once knew someone who would say,
 "this to shall pass"

Well I sure hope not !!!

Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love,
 grace and gratitude. 

We must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to just utter words,
but to live by them.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

I Can....

Other than weighted walking and classes at the Joe Lewis Research Conference,
Since my surgery and resulting infection this was gym day #1.
 I'm staying at the Sheraton Uptown in ABQ New Mexico it's got a great gym and a salt water pool and have put together a training regimen for the next ten days.

First of all I should definitely tell you, 
if you have the opportunity to swim in a salt water pool DO IT !!

Salt water pools have become more popular because they have many advantages.
The first advantage is the level of comfort you experience.

Salt water is softer on your skin than chlorine.
Also, chlorine makes your eyes red and itchy and discolors hair.

 Chlorine pools create organochlorines which mimic human hormones.
They also cause fertility, immune system abnormalities, and various cancers.

 30 minutes of lap swimming in the salt water pool

3/3 minute rounds of footwork / shadow boxing

3/3 minute rounds of Bill Wallace's super stretching and kicking.

After a knee surgery,
 'Superfoot' had recommended I use a recumbent Lifecycle to aid in my recovery.

A woman hopped on the only bike while I was getting a water.
 Rather than kick her in the head,
 I hopped on the Elliptical Cross Trainer...

30 Minutes interval training (HIIT)
 with great music and graphics!

This thing Rocks.....!

HIIT describes any workout that alternates between intense bursts of activity and fixed periods of less intense activity or rest.
 A basic workout is run for a minute then walk for two minutes.
 Repeat this 3 minute interval five times for a 15 minute FAT BLASTING WORKOUT !
Sound to simple to be effective?
Science doesn't stretch the truth HIIT works !

  Mentors like Dr Jerry Beasley, Joe Lewis, Bill 'Superfoot' Wallace
and Dr Gyi are instrumental in my evolution as a martial artist and a person..

Before approaching a potential mentor,
identify what you hope to gain from a mentoring relationship.
Determine then what mentor will best help  you acheive your  objectives.

Start by identifying your short term goals.
What knowlege,skills and abilities do you need to get there ?
Answers to these questions will help you chose your type of mentor.

Outside of Martial Arts.....
Mentors provide wisdom without pain
my mentors provide both
- robb buckland -

Friday, October 18, 2013

Fearless Fitness/Martial Arts: 3 rd Times a Charm.......

Fearless Fitness/Martial Arts: 3 rd Times a Charm.......: gal·lant·ry ˈgaləntrē/ noun courageous behavior, esp. in battle. "a medal awarded for outstanding gallantry during t...

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

3 rd Times a Charm.......

  1. courageous behavior, esp. in battle.
    "a medal awarded for outstanding gallantry during the raid"
    synonyms:braverycourage, courageousness

What he said.......

I respectfully nominate Robb Buckland for this year's JLFS Gallantry Award.  Over the past several years, Robb has endured and recovered from several delicate abdominal surgeries, emerging from each one stronger than before.  As soon as he is back on his feet - sooner than most men could ever hope for - he is right back to teaching the JLFS to his dedicated following.
Despite Robb's medical challenges, he has been a staunch supporter of Joe Lewis, the JLFS, and his brother and sister black belts in the Association.  He has traveled from Maine to my dojo - some eight hours - to train with Joe and me on several occasions as well as to Dennis Nackord's and Jeff Troshane's, as well as others, for simple day camps.  That's a tremendous investment in travel in order to support us, his JLFS family.

Faced with his medical issues, similar to Joe, Robb has never asked, "Why me?", but rather, "What more can I do to get past this and represent what the JLFS is all about?"  Robb Buckland's tenacity in and out of the ring, coupled with his gentleness of spirit, embody everything we as Joe Lewis Black Belts aspire to be.  In my professional opinion, Robb Buckland is a role model both to those working toward their Joe Lewis Black Belt and those of us who work toward maintaining the oath we took the day we achieved our coveted Joe Lewis ranks. 

The Mirriam-Webster dictionary defines gallantry as "spirited and conspicuous bravery".  Robb Buckland has demonstrated such bravery repeatedly and is more than worthy of the 2013 JLFS Gallantry Award.  Thank you for your consideration!

Respectfully yours,Dennis J. Campo
"Sometimes a teacher; always a student!"
President & Chief Instructor
Wisdom Way Martial Arts Inc.

What I said....

The best years of your life 
are the ones in which you decide your problems are your own.

You do not blame them on your mother,
your health, your spouse, your job 
or your financial situation.

 I've driven hundreds of miles and slept in my car 
to attend a day camp or seminar.

I taught a KickBox Fitness class benefiting the food
 pantry the week they put in my callastamy bag.

The last time I shared the mat with Joe Lewis was
at a hotel in western Massachusets with Phil Maltinado
5 days after having my illiostomy bag removed..

Ego is not your enemy.
 It is a necessary tool.
Without ego, we couldn't be aware of oneness.

Our seperate perspective allows us to understand the big picture.
In other words ego is contrast and necessary for growth. 

As we prepare for combat our rival pushes us to be the best we can be.

So is our rival our enemy or our best friend ??

My friend Angie told me,

Ego says you must be number one.
Spirit says you always have been.

Joe Lewis ..."Legends are Forever"
(Thank you Angie, Ian, Dennis,Mike and the Board) 

Monday, October 14, 2013

Fearless Fitness/Martial Arts: Destroyed but not Defeated

Fearless Fitness/Martial Arts: Destroyed but not Defeated: A man can be destroyed but not defeated. -Earnst Hemingway- Alot of us have faced alot of adversity this year. Ralph Ellison wro...

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Destroyed but not Defeated

A man can be destroyed but not defeated.
-Earnst Hemingway-

Alot of us have faced alot of adversity this year.
Ralph Ellison wrote in the invisible man,
  'Life is to be lived, not controlled; 
and humanity is won by continuing to play in face of certain defeat.' 

True happiness means forging a strong spirit that is undefeated,
 No matter how trying our circumstances, sometimes it takes physical pain to get to the root of a deeper wound that you are unconsciously inflicting on yourself..

We expect alot from ourselves living the warrior lifestyle.
Sometimes we fall short of our personal expectations.
 Being a warrior isnt about not getting knocked down,
it's about continuing to get up. 
A friend recently reminded me of this with this quote,

Ego says you must be number one.
Spirit says you always have been.
(Thanks Angie)

We all face setbacks at some point along life’s journey, 
and learning to bounce back not being distracted is what gives our spirit strength.
. It's funny distractions in the fight game have always been one of my favorite tactics.
I've found solace by having  gratitude for what I still have
.Experiencing gratitude in simplicity changes everything..

R.I.P. Flossy