Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Spear Me with the Truth Don't Spare me from It

Imagine there were no rules.

Imagine it was ok to drive 100 mph on the highway

Imagine you could jump from a skyscraper and not die.

Speeding and gravity.

Rules we have to follow.

I need to bring more to the table in my life, my relationships and my profession.

So I must practice productivity, recognize the negative patterns, reinforce the positive behaviors, educate myself on it, and continually implement it.

It starts with your rules.

I won't waste time on negative people or dwell about negative things.

Spear me with the truth don't spare me from it.

Think about nutrition. Do you portion ?

I stretch for 10 minutes.

I read for 30 minutes.

I write for 30 minutes.

I've hired a trainer for 3 / 40 min sessions a week.

I won't be ruled by emotion.

I will go where I'm celebrated not tolerated.

I won't check social media or e-mail until those are done.

I plan my day the night before.

Those are rules I'm using to train the trainer.

Join our journey learn the difference.


See you on the mat


Monday, November 26, 2018

Look Better Naked

Happy  Holidays

After a weekend of gluttony and time off work, Monday comes and your energy levels are in the tank and you’re feeling behind.

Then it’s holiday parties, holiday shopping, holiday decorating, and whatever other holiday thing you can come up with that makes a really good excuse to not go to the gym...

It’s no wonder the average American gains 7-10 pounds over the holidays:

The hardest part of martial arts/fitness success is starting......so let's not have to start again in January.

I promise ill keep you accountable,  ill keep it interesting and fun, i promise you'll laugh.....ABOVE ALL THIS YEAR AFTER THE HOLIDAYS YOU'LL LOOK BETTER NAKED.





Sunday, November 25, 2018

Passion Play


Whenever something disrupts my life's flow I experience some specific behaviors.

The first thing is the beard. A former coach/friend called it a depression beard.

Another one is not making the bed, I'll sleep on top of that mattress with clean bedding only a couple feet away.

Mixing drinks with mixed feelings. I think alot of people 'drink about it'.


I used to fly from Williamsburg,  Va. to the Berkshires to visit Mrs Buckland every other week when jobs separated us.
That's Passion.

I saw the tears of joy flow from a friends eyes when she got the surprise visit from her guy who arrived for the weekend from 4 hours away.            That's Passion.

If you can't feed your passion you need to be where your celebrated not tolerated.

Martial Arts / Fitness 

Nutrition and consistently are key when it comes to success at fitness and Martial Arts.

One of my guys travels 4 hours to train with us, others work all night then drive 1.5 hours to train !!

That's Passion !

Like striving for life's goals or a successful relationship you have to work on it every day. Sometimes we fall, binge eat or loose a round or a match and we all have break ups. The key is getting up, trying again.

Fall Down Six Times Get Up Seven !

I've  shaved the beard and made the bed !!

Your Success is Waiting !

Go where your celebrated not tolerated and above all celebrate your Passion!

See you in class


Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Buddha and the Bench

The physical therapist Karen, asked me to walk  more for my new hip. Today the snow crunched under my feet as I hiked  towards the cemetery.

Spotify on the phone and 'Beats Sport Buds' in my ears I traverse my way across past the headstones.

I'm remembering Mike Sr., Joe both Bonacci and Lewis.

I dont want a funeral, I want a Laughing Buddha with a picture of me laughing in its belly so You can visit my bench and have a laugh when you need one.

 Let's have  a party and dont forget bagpipes ! 'Thunderstruck' and 'Mull of Kytyre' maybe some Murphy's songs for good measure.  Have a big workout with all of my team before that !!

We miss people in different moments, at different and often unexpected times. Grief is measured in moments spent together, know one remembers what you did for them but they'll never forget how you made them feel.

 Cherish the moments cause they're gone in the blink of an eye be thankful for them.

There is no bench, Buddha or bagpipes yet so  for now we do good work, we laugh and get better together every day !

Come laugh and train!

Be Thankful......
See you in class !


Tuesday, November 20, 2018


It's snowing again.

As I look out my window and reflect. A cold, white blanket  decorates the silence and the cold earth sleeps beneath.

We are truly blessed as a nation, as a team, and as individuals within this nation.

As I reflect on the many blessings in my life,  being able to positively impact the lives of my students is one that really stands out.

I have been honored to be a part of your journey to success at fitness, nutrition, personal safety and accountability.

 Thank you.
See you in class. !


Saturday, November 17, 2018


I think life is alot like photography,  we try to crop , edit and change things to make them seem better but in the end what we had was really a beautiful thing. 

Have and awesome day♡


Wednesday, November 14, 2018

A day just for me

Nutrition is just as important, if not more, then exercise. Don’t waste your time and sweat in the gym or dojo by not fueling your body with good food. It only makes sense

Everyone needs positive reinforcement when they do something well. After hard workouts or long weeks, there is a huge temptation to reward yourself with food. Cheat meals are ok ever so often, but don’t fall into habit. Try rewarding yourself with fun activities.

Haircut, pedicure a walk on the beach, even if its alone.

I personally get disapointed when a student quits and leave our team. I feel with each student leaves the dojo with a piece of me. What they bring back each day of our journey nourishes me and the team and makes us all stronger.  When they leave i feel a little lonely. Ill miss the part of me i gave away but more so i miss who they were becoming because of it, seperatly we are powerful but together.....WE ARE TITANS. 

Eating right is a lifestyle. With anything in life we hit bumps in the road. Especially in the beginning it may be tough to keep up, but NEVER give up.

Keeping a nutritious diet can be hard. You need discipline and time management skills to plan meals and shop for wholesome foods. Sometimes we all need a little push to get us up and running again.

That's we have accountabilty coaches like Tessa and Sara Yandell. The path to success can be lonely and difficult at times , these fine coaches can help you on you ascent to greatness

'Loneliness expresses the pain of being alone and solitude expresses the glory of being alone. On this team you are never alone'


Tuesday, November 13, 2018

When all else fails get up

Personal loss, failure or rejection is something we all deal with.

What we do with these challenges how we 'get back up ' is what defines us.

Some turn to negative behaviors ....binge eating, drugs , alcohol, promiscuity and more.

Dealing with these challenges is what shapes a champions mindset.

' Fall down 6 times get up 7 '

One of the foundation attributes of our training is self coaching under duress.

One more class, one more set, one more rep, one more round.

Never, never , never quit.....

See you in class