Saturday, September 29, 2012
Fearless Fitness/Martial Arts: Blinded by our Passion
Fearless Fitness/Martial Arts: Blinded by our Passion: In our desperation not to face our challenges we tend to hide behind people and things all the while knowing it'...
Monday, September 24, 2012
Blinded by our Passion

In our desperation not to face our challenges
we tend to hide behind people and things
all the while knowing
it's much easier to face them head on
than to run and hide.
We were given hearts to love and be loved,
sometimes they break.
Over time they mend,
the way to mend a broken heart is to love more than ever.
There are people who touch our lives trying to break us down,
but everyone who touches our lives is a teacher.
Trust, like respect is earned not just given.
The road back to trust and respect is not an easy one.
It is paved by taking chances, letting someone in,
giving them a chance to love the hurt away
and reignite our passion.
Some will hurt or disappoint us anyway.
We need the courage to persevere,
taking every chance to find our passion.
One day someone or something will touch our life,
inspiring us with their willingness to give us more love,
more passion than we ever thought we had to give in return.
('Sissy') holding her daddy Joe Lewis' hand as he died.
Our passion is sometimes 'birthed' in tragedy.
People are always blaming their circumstances,
for what they are.
I don’t believe in circumstances.
The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want,
and if they can’t find them, make them.
~George Bernard Shaw-
Joe Lewis said,
We need to sense whether we've been motivated by fear
or by confidence.
One will lead you to being the martial artist you admire,
the other will lead you to avoid challenges
by allowing you to continue to hide in fear of being exposed.
Feelings are the keys to our motivation and our desires.
Our spirit is our energy and our pathway.
Our mentors and/or instructors are our guides and our escorts.
black belt,
Joe Lewis,
life coaching,
martial arts,
personal empowerment,
robb buckland,
self esteem,
self respect,
uechi ryu
Fearless Fitness/Martial Arts: Heffalumps Revisited....
Fearless Fitness/Martial Arts: Heffalumps Revisited....: Some story's just beg for a sequel......... (in case you missed part one)
Heffalumps Revisited....
Some story's just beg for a sequel.........
(in case you missed part one)
(in case you missed part one)
Is it REALLY our failure as a coach when a client quits,
loses there passion
and let's their (BB&T) grow out of control ?
It is never too late to be
who you might have been.
-George Eliot -
who you might have been.
-George Eliot -
Excuses are like body parts: some stink, some don't.
We all have the same number of hours in each day.
We all have the potential to use them to do what we want.
I've returned to Maine to fulfill my responsibility
to my students, my clients and to Team Fearless.
A former client,
who had suffered signifigant weight gain since quitting training pulled in at a gas station,
recognized my vehicle, saw me, u-turned and sped off.
Fear of judgment and negative body image are not an easy burden to bear.
You're not disappointing me.....
The only person you let down when you fail at fitness...
is YOU !
True courage and self esteem don't come from first time successes but from failing or falling and getting back up and never , never , never quitting !
Running from the mirror and hiding from the world behind your sunglasses and keyboard will not solve your problems.
Don't Fear the Mirror
What we can do is decide that our dreams are important
to my students, my clients and to Team Fearless.
A former client,
who had suffered signifigant weight gain since quitting training pulled in at a gas station,
recognized my vehicle, saw me, u-turned and sped off.
Fear of judgment and negative body image are not an easy burden to bear.
You're not disappointing me.....
The only person you let down when you fail at fitness...
is YOU !
True courage and self esteem don't come from first time successes but from failing or falling and getting back up and never , never , never quitting !
Running from the mirror and hiding from the world behind your sunglasses and keyboard will not solve your problems.
Don't Fear the Mirror
What we can do is decide that our dreams are important
and then leverage our passion to honor them.
It may be that the satisfaction I need depends on my going away,
so that when I've gone and come back,
I'll find it at home.
Following the death of my mentor and friend Joe Lewis,
I returned from Ft Lauderdale, Florida
to reestablish my Fearless Fitness / Martial Arts
Northeast Training Centers.
It may be that the satisfaction I need depends on my going away,
so that when I've gone and come back,
I'll find it at home.
Following the death of my mentor and friend Joe Lewis,
I returned from Ft Lauderdale, Florida
to reestablish my Fearless Fitness / Martial Arts
Northeast Training Centers.
One cannot avoid problems in this life.
No sooner is one resolved, than another one presents itself.
The solution is not found by focusing on the problem!
Focus on the desired outcome.
The Solution
The Solution
As a trainer, you must count rep speed for your clients.
Varied rep speed creates muscle confusion
and better results.
and better results.
To trigger muscle building and lose fat,
use a greater time under tension.
To increase strength and target the central nervous system,
use explosive motion (less than 20 seconds under tension.)
That's the Body,
Now the Mind and the Spirit...
Calmly and consciously,
give yourself the opportunity to express what needs to be expressed without hiding or holding back.
It’s scary sometimes.
Take lots of deep breaths!
When we share our thoughts and feelings,
whether it's negative body image, fear, hate or jealousy,
we experience a sense of,
“Clarity and Self Love"
That's the Body,
Now the Mind and the Spirit...
Calmly and consciously,
give yourself the opportunity to express what needs to be expressed without hiding or holding back.
It’s scary sometimes.
Take lots of deep breaths!
When we share our thoughts and feelings,
whether it's negative body image, fear, hate or jealousy,
we experience a sense of,
“Clarity and Self Love"
black belt,
body image,
Joe Lewis,
life coaching,
martial arts,
personal empowerment,
robb buckland,
self esteem,
self respect,
uechi ryu
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Fearless Fitness/Martial Arts: I can see clearly now
Fearless Fitness/Martial Arts: I can see clearly now: People may have certain knowledge, but remain totally unaware of how to use it. I see this in both martial arts marketing and in f...
I can see clearly now
People may have certain knowledge,
but remain totally unaware of how to use
I see this in both martial arts marketing and in fighting.
To me it is all
about two things, attitude and approach.
If one is off, this can automatically
defuse or negate the other.
A great system of marketing or fighting is only as
good as the implementation of a proper psychology (with its practice) behind
-Joe Lewis-
Fitness First
If you look good you'll feel good.
Learn to be proud of your own body.
If you allow the judgement of other people to affect the way you view your own body you will quickly become just like them.
Take your health and fitness into your own hands,
be proud of your accomplishment.
You’ve got to be satisfied with your body and building a great physique has to be a positive and motivating experience.
You only get one body and the effect it can have on your life is too important to leave your satisfaction up to the feedback of others.
Visualize yourself the way you want to look,
or employing a skill your trying to learn.
This really does make all the difference.
Believe that you can do it.
Visualize a real-life situation where you are using the skill.
Imagine the sense of accomplishment you’ll feel.
It's a great way to motivate yourself when you feel like giving up.
In fighting violence is rarely the answer,but when it's the only answer physical preparedness is paramount.
If you are truly threatened your technique must produce injury.
An injury can be to the sensory system or a structural destruction.
You need to be psychologically prepared to assert the authority of your will with violence of action.
The two worst strategic mistakes to make are acting prematurely and letting an opportunity slip;
to avoid this, the warrior treats each situation as if it were unique and never resorts to formulae,
recipes or other people's opinions.
-Paulo Coelho-
Fitness First
If you look good you'll feel good.
Learn to be proud of your own body.
If you allow the judgement of other people to affect the way you view your own body you will quickly become just like them.
Take your health and fitness into your own hands,
be proud of your accomplishment.
You’ve got to be satisfied with your body and building a great physique has to be a positive and motivating experience.
You only get one body and the effect it can have on your life is too important to leave your satisfaction up to the feedback of others.
Visualize yourself the way you want to look,
or employing a skill your trying to learn.
This really does make all the difference.
Believe that you can do it.
Visualize a real-life situation where you are using the skill.
Imagine the sense of accomplishment you’ll feel.
It's a great way to motivate yourself when you feel like giving up.
In fighting violence is rarely the answer,but when it's the only answer physical preparedness is paramount.
If you are truly threatened your technique must produce injury.
An injury can be to the sensory system or a structural destruction.
You need to be psychologically prepared to assert the authority of your will with violence of action.
The two worst strategic mistakes to make are acting prematurely and letting an opportunity slip;
to avoid this, the warrior treats each situation as if it were unique and never resorts to formulae,
recipes or other people's opinions.
-Paulo Coelho-
body image,
fear of judgment,
Joe Lewis,
Joe Lewis fighting system,
martial arts,
robb buckland,
self respect,
uechi ryu,
Saturday, September 15, 2012
California Dreaming
The effort of the struggle to simply maintain,
and not quit is more meaningful than the victory.
You only lose if you fail to learn something.
If your stamina ain't bendin''re just pretendin'.
- Joe Lewis-
During Bill 'Superfoot' Wallace seminars, he would distract us from the screaming pain in our legs by making us sing the song, "California Dreaming".
The song distracted us from the 'negative mental chatter' that occurred during the stretching regimen.......
Accepting your fears doesn’t happen overnight.
It takes time and practice.
When you first address fears,
It takes time and practice.
When you first address fears,
your mind will tend to fight you.
This also occurs when you are close to overcoming challenges of any kind.
Fear is more intense when it pertains to the unknown.
Atheists say that God doesn't exist and that death ends individual existence.
There should be nothing to fear from death,
since your brain just shuts down.
Christianity says that death brings judgment to the unrepentant.
If you go by the odds,
either death brings the cessation of existence or some kind of paradise that is open for everybody.
It is irrational to fear this kind of uncertainty.
The only uncertainty that should be feared is whether or not Christianity is true.
Get informed and make a rational decision.
At the Joe Lewis Memorial banquet the most powerful message was given by Joes' lifelong friend
Bill 'Superfoot ' Wallace.
Bill told us of a visit with Joe at the V.A. hospital.
Joe had spoken very little in the final days and was slumped in a wheel chair as they walked outside.
Bill said to Joe ,
"Joe we're gonna sing 'California Dreaming'....
com'on Joe your gonna sing with me."
com'on Joe your gonna sing with me."
Bill started as always.....and Joe Lewis, who as early as Tuesday, Wednesday and now again Thursday had been given only a few hours to live ......... began to sing !!
He sang the whole song with Bill,
( I'm sure Joe was thinking 'Ha got you fucker !')
( I'm sure Joe was thinking 'Ha got you fucker !')
Joe passed away peacefully two days later with his loving children at his side.
At the memorial banquet Bill Wallace had all of us sing 'California Dreaming'.
This time we didn't sing to forget our pain or to mourn the loss of our friend and mentor,
we sang to celebrate his life.......
Courage is Staying One Step Ahead of Fear
At the memorial banquet Bill Wallace had all of us sing 'California Dreaming'.
This time we didn't sing to forget our pain or to mourn the loss of our friend and mentor,
we sang to celebrate his life.......
Courage is Staying One Step Ahead of Fear
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
"Legends are Forever."
Joe has gone in search of the yellow moon,
in search for his relatives, their daughters and their sons,
gone to the land where buffalos graze in clover fields
without the sound of guns,
gone to the land where buffalos graze in clover fields
without the sound of guns,
where the red sun sinks in the mountains filled with gold,
peace for this warrior is where the healing waters flow,
the time has come to unstring your bow.
Rest in Peace
-Jim Maloney-
Since August 31st, my daughter Alli has sent me a daily text reminding me that
'Legends are Forever'
and that my friend and mentor Joe Lewis would live on through me. This message was echoed at the 'Memorial' and the 'Memorial Workout' that preceded the full military funeral in North Carolina.
Joe Lewis was laid to rest in Knightdale, N.C. last Saturday, ending a journey that took him around the world and back to North Carolina, one punch, one kick, one knockout at a time.
'Legends are Forever'
and that my friend and mentor Joe Lewis would live on through me. This message was echoed at the 'Memorial' and the 'Memorial Workout' that preceded the full military funeral in North Carolina.
Joe Lewis was laid to rest in Knightdale, N.C. last Saturday, ending a journey that took him around the world and back to North Carolina, one punch, one kick, one knockout at a time.
"Be on guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous. Be strong. And do everything with love."
-1 Corinthians 16:13-
A hundred years from now
it will not matter what degree Black belt I was,
-1 Corinthians 16:13-
A hundred years from now
it will not matter what degree Black belt I was,
the number of World titles I had won,
or how much money my martial arts school had grossed…
But that the world may be different because I was important in the life of a student…
What you put into the lives of others comes back into your own.
- Joe Lewis -
Whenever we think of success in Martial Arts, sports, entertainment or sales we tend to think of the stars in the spotlight. However, behind every great athlete is a great coach.
What I find to be the hardest thing about doing martial arts is giving up on trying to be the greatest and to simply begin working on just being yourself. Being yourself is what makes one great. The main purpose of being a good Martial Artist is sharing w/others the things you have acquired yourself and to achieve a sense of accomplishment.
- Joe Lewis -
Joe Lewis taught us that we are worthy of receiving or achieving anything we can imagine.
We are only handcuffed by our willingness to allow success.
Take the brakes off your thinking and your imagination,
believe that everything you can imagine is possible.
'My Joe Lewis Experience' is like peeling an onion.
Each day as I peel back another layer,
I will uncover another lesson and probably shed some tears.
I will not let you down Joe Lewis,
I will
"Aspire to Inspire "
or how much money my martial arts school had grossed…
But that the world may be different because I was important in the life of a student…
What you put into the lives of others comes back into your own.
- Joe Lewis -
Whenever we think of success in Martial Arts, sports, entertainment or sales we tend to think of the stars in the spotlight. However, behind every great athlete is a great coach.
- Joe Lewis -
Joe Lewis taught us that we are worthy of receiving or achieving anything we can imagine.
We are only handcuffed by our willingness to allow success.
Take the brakes off your thinking and your imagination,
believe that everything you can imagine is possible.
'My Joe Lewis Experience' is like peeling an onion.
Each day as I peel back another layer,
I will uncover another lesson and probably shed some tears.
I will not let you down Joe Lewis,
I will
"Aspire to Inspire "
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Aspire to Inspire
I believe life is constantly testing our level of commitment. Life's greatest rewards are reserved for those who demonstrate a never-ending commitment to act until they achieve.
This level of resolve can move mountains
This level of resolve can move mountains
but it must be constant and consistent.
As simplistic as this may sound, it is still the common denominator separating those who
live their dreams from those who live in regret.
- Anthony Robbins -
A professional is dedicated to a career regardless of the field.
It’s the opposite of an amateur.
It’s the opposite of an amateur.
I have been a professional Martial artist since the mid 80's.
The biggest step was committing to being a lifelong student.
The biggest step was committing to being a lifelong student.
In sales situations and in life,
No one aspires to be a professional at breaking up but handling it like a pro sure helps if you’re struggling to get over a breakup.
Negative triggers will keep you stuck.
looking at old pictures
and talking to mutual friends are anchors to the past.
Plan to avoid these triggers.
looking at old pictures
and talking to mutual friends are anchors to the past.
Plan to avoid these triggers.
Lets face it diets suck !
If you’re having a hard time changing your diet,
If you’re having a hard time changing your diet,
steps in the direction of diet perfection are to avoid having the wrong foods in the house and portion control in a resturant.
Water over diet soda is another wise choice.
Water over diet soda is another wise choice.
Studies also show that diet soda actually sabotages your diet !
Joe Lewis taught me that many martial art styles practiced today lack a structured philosophical base. This is why the majority of those involved in the arts will eventually resign from any lasting, active participation. It's unfair to call them “quitters” because in the sacred core of their spirit, they never really started.
They were motivated to start but not inspired to continue.
Joe Lewis taught me that many martial art styles practiced today lack a structured philosophical base. This is why the majority of those involved in the arts will eventually resign from any lasting, active participation. It's unfair to call them “quitters” because in the sacred core of their spirit, they never really started.
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