Friday, May 30, 2014

Product of Legends

We gain strength, and courage, and confidence by each experience in which we really stop to look fear in the face... we must do that which we think we cannot.
-Elanor Roosevelt-

It's said that the world was built on legends.
 And that legends are a way of understanding things greater than ourselves.
 Forces that shape our lives, events that defy explanation.
 Individuals whose lives soar to the heavens or fall to the earth.

This is how legends are born.

The Myth of Experience

People think, the more experience you have the better you'll be at something.
This is only sometimes true.

In the world of sales and marketing for example,
 it's easy to find people with twenty or more years of experience.
What if they have two decades of experience but only one of learning ?

I see this at martial arts camps all the time. 
Joe Lewis would often voice his disappointment to me
 about different practitioners who were like this.
On their resumes though, show they have alot of experience !

Some times the teacher, 
always the student

Many people go through their careers and lives doing the same thing the same way.
The people who get ahead are the innovators, trail blazers. 
Not, imitators who get by with repeating the old ways of doing things.   

Take responsibility for change within yourself, and your life.
If you fail, try harder in NEW WAYS.
When unforseen circumstances come into play,
embrace them and try something else.

You don't need more experience ........

You're ready NOW  !!

What you need is more COURAGE !!

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Monday, May 26, 2014

Don't ask me to remember

Don't ask me to remember,
Don't try to make me understand,
I'm confused beyond your concept,
I'm sad and sick and lost,
I can rest knowing your with me,

All I know is that I need you,
to be with me at all cost.

Our Government is bought and corrupt.
It uses the courage and valor of the men and women in it's service to be 
'The worlds bully'  to serve it's own twisted agenda.
Yet, I will always take of my hat, put my hand on my heart,
and salute our service persons for their willingness to fight and protect
our constitution and the liberty of others.
Joseph Camppbell said it beautifully:
 The term hero is thrown around more often than it actually should be,
but you will know a real hero when you see one.
They are people who do something for the greater good in an unselfish act..
Three great forces rule our world:
Stupidity Fear and Greed.
-Albert Einstien-

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Fearless Fitness/Martial Arts: Take me out to the ball game

Fearless Fitness/Martial Arts: Take me out to the ball game: A few years ago Alli and I were having spicy chicken tenders  and a beer at Litchfields Bar.  Here in Wells, Maine Lichfields is a l...

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Take me out to the ball game

A few years ago Alli and I were having spicy chicken tenders 
and a beer at Litchfields Bar.
 Here in Wells, Maine Lichfields is a little reminiscent of T.V.s' cheers.

The conversation with the bar manager led to one about Allis' softball games.
Soon he was asking me to play on the bars' men's team.
Of course Alli was definitely reinforcing that

And so it was to be........ I was playing softball for the first time in 20 years.
Of course I approach every endeavour 'like a beast'.

I found muscles I didn't know I had ......

The whole time everyone is concerned because of my repeated surgeries.
I imagine they thought if I fell wrong I would split in half.
Well they were in for a treat.....
 The first or second game Alli was on the third base line and I was rounding second,
not known for my grace in running I sprinted toward third.
A crazy idea since if I had to slide it would be on a gravelly surface
 (is that a word ?)

Needless too say the play was close, REAL close.
I'm not gonna get thrown out in front of my daughter ....
Sooo I slide, yup on gravel, like a damn cheese grater ....SAFE  !

Ok she's proud but my shin was wrapped in gauze,
leaking nasty stuff for six months...Damn, the things we do to impress our kids !

My team made it to the finals my leg was wrapped in gauze
 I played anyway... by the second inning I had two pulled quadricepts.
Now my teamates were telling me, 'Bro we've got this, sit it out it's not worth it'.
I taped two ice packs to my quads and continued until I couldn't run at all.  
I draw from the love of my children to motivate me .
When you have a never quit attitude success is right around the corner.

People do give up though,
 in more cases than not it's just before success is realized.

Every time I hear the phrase never give up I think of Napoleon Hill's
'Think and Grow Rich'
He tells a tale of miners who dug and dug and dug
they found no gold and gave up. 
 It was found later they were 3 feet from a major vein of gold.


Monday, May 12, 2014

Fearless Fitness/Martial Arts: A Month in the Life... "April Showers"

Fearless Fitness/Martial Arts: A Month in the Life... "April Showers": In sales it is often difficult to discern where the lies stop and the truth begins.  I have the unpleasant task of dealing with unscrupul...

Friday, May 9, 2014

A Month in the Life... "April Showers"

In sales it is often difficult to discern where the lies stop and the truth begins.
 I have the unpleasant task of dealing with unscrupulous developers,
owners and marketing companies.

Fortunately along the way I had the pleasure of meeting great young salespeople,
 bright and infinite in their potential.
 Forging friendships is paramount to success whether its on the table or in training .

A moment with Linda Thorson  (The Avengers TV)

The will to win,
the desire to succeed,
the urge to reach for your full potential...
These are the keys that will unlock 
the door to personal excellence.
Its too bad martial arts and the occasional movie, 
T.V. show or commercial doesn't pay the bills.

I'm relegated to continuing to deal with the umbrageous characters
that own and run these stores and 'road shows'.

 It leaves me with the feeling that I need a shower.
Thank goodness for 'April Showers'.

April was a great month for martial arts conferences and seminars.
Usually the beach brings to mind sun and sand.
Surf, bikinis and the occasional individual who should stay clothed year round.

This years Martial Arts Symposium weekend.....
 I had a sidekick,
 Bostons own Molly MacPhail tried to take on two days in the life of the 'Beast'.

It proved to be a busy weekend.
The Symposium is expertly engineered by Master Terry Dow
 and his lovely wife Christina.
 The annual 'Supercamp' is held here in the Northeast every Spring.

My Ninja ...Brent Crisci

The camp features such notable Grand Masters as
 Michael DePasquale Jr, Bill 'Superfoot' Wallace, Walt Lysak, Brent Crisci
and may more.....

Soke Michael DePasquale Jr "Jujitsu at it's best !!

As always the Symposium proved to be a great weekend of fellowship and fun !

Another of my Friends and Mentors Grand Master Buzz Durkin and his lovely wife Judy Durkin celebrated the 40th anniversary of there amazing martial arts journey.

Grand Masters George Mattson, James Thompson,
 and Canadian Uechi Ryu founder Jim Maloney and a host of others were honored
 at this Butokukai graduation ceremony. I am always humbled by the quality of great martial artists and the overwhelming sense of community displayed by this great family of practitioners.
GM George Mattson


GM Buzz Durkin                                                                      Gm Jim Maloney

The next morning I emerged from my bedroom at the 'Bat Cave' 
to find 'the lovely and talented Molly MacPhail' in a 'pup pile' on my couch.
After much needed coffee we were off to shoot a scene for
 Terry Traynors' Narrow Street Films.

You'll have to look for that one on Facebook or you tube in the near future.
 It's still in post production !!!!