Sunday, September 28, 2014
Fearless Fitness/Martial Arts: Seasons in the Sun
Fearless Fitness/Martial Arts: Seasons in the Sun: I was on the runway, I was gonna make it. I was gonna get too say goodbye, Then Dennis called......He was gone. Each day I begi...
Seasons in the Sun
I was on the runway, I was gonna make it.
I was gonna get too say goodbye,
Then Dennis called......He was gone.
Each day I begin by doing a weighted walk through the cemetery.
My way of cheating death each day.
I would like to make a toast to lying,
cheating, stealing, & drinking.
If you are gonna lie, lie for a friend.
If your going to steal, steal a heart.
If your going to cheat, cheat death itself,
And if your going to drink, drink with me my friend.
Death is lifes' way of telling you your fired.
Three days after you die your hair and fingernails keep growing
but the phone calls and texts taper off.
Death doesn't come to the living soul nor does age to the loving heart.
I don't know who said that but it's pretty damn romantic.
I'm binge watching 'Orange is the New Black' season two,
the lead character gets a furlough to see her dying grandma
only to find that the grandma is already dead.
I'm thinking all of us are equally damaged
we cling on to faulty beliefs, or are guided by friends
who are equally damaged.
I'm a wordsmith,
I've been to College, and I'm attending the school of life.
Through that I have come to the realization that
Myths and Fairy tales are designed to teach a lesson.
Unfortunately the modern versions have been 'scrubbed clean' for
our modern consumption. A society that supports the notion of
trophies for all participants in childrens' sports,
needs to believe in happy endings.
The 'real' stories are usually quite disturbing.
Take the brothers Grimm for example.
Sleeping beauty
A King hunting in the woods stumbles upon sleeping beauty and rapes her
then brings her home to one of his estates.
she later bears two children who the Kings wife eats.
Little Red Riding Hood
Arrives at grandmas' house and eats her, takes her clothes off
then slips into bed naked where she loses her virginity to the wolf.
A French idiom for a girl having lost her virginity was
'elle avoit yu' She has seen the wolf.
Cinderellas' sisters cut off parts of their feet to fit in the glass slippers.
Later their eyes are pecked out by Doves.
Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair.
In the Grimm version of this story she does, a little too often.
Not with the prince though, with random beggars and thieves.
She winds up pregnant,begging in the streets.
The witch cuts off her hair and transports her away.
We obviously live in a world of monsters and ghosts and things
that want to steal your heart, it's not unreasonable to still have hope.
That's why Disney protects us by 'scrubbing' our stories for us.
So we can hold onto our belief in Angels, & Dreams
The 'the goddess' was a myth.
Tinkerbell is now a truck stop hooker and
Rapunzels' hair extensions are on the night stand of
a seedy roadside motel.......... not a castle.
The foundation we search for in Love, Life and Fitness is
facilitated by our devotion to self, in the Dojo and the Gym.
We don't want to surrender ourselves to the problem
rather than the solution.
Womens' intuition is a good signpost for decision making,
but it usually bumps up against mans' logic.
We have to put ego aside and listen.
The I-pod, gym, and Dojo can become an escape rather than a tool
if we are not careful to give significance to all aspects of our lives,
the lead character gets a furlough to see her dying grandma
only to find that the grandma is already dead.
I'm thinking all of us are equally damaged
we cling on to faulty beliefs, or are guided by friends
who are equally damaged.
I'm a wordsmith,
I've been to College, and I'm attending the school of life.
Through that I have come to the realization that
Myths and Fairy tales are designed to teach a lesson.
Unfortunately the modern versions have been 'scrubbed clean' for
our modern consumption. A society that supports the notion of
trophies for all participants in childrens' sports,
needs to believe in happy endings.
The 'real' stories are usually quite disturbing.
Take the brothers Grimm for example.
Sleeping beauty
A King hunting in the woods stumbles upon sleeping beauty and rapes her
then brings her home to one of his estates.
she later bears two children who the Kings wife eats.
Little Red Riding Hood
Arrives at grandmas' house and eats her, takes her clothes off
then slips into bed naked where she loses her virginity to the wolf.
A French idiom for a girl having lost her virginity was
'elle avoit yu' She has seen the wolf.
Cinderellas' sisters cut off parts of their feet to fit in the glass slippers.
Later their eyes are pecked out by Doves.
Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair.
In the Grimm version of this story she does, a little too often.
Not with the prince though, with random beggars and thieves.
She winds up pregnant,begging in the streets.
The witch cuts off her hair and transports her away.
We obviously live in a world of monsters and ghosts and things
that want to steal your heart, it's not unreasonable to still have hope.
That's why Disney protects us by 'scrubbing' our stories for us.
So we can hold onto our belief in Angels, & Dreams
The 'the goddess' was a myth.
Tinkerbell is now a truck stop hooker and
Rapunzels' hair extensions are on the night stand of
a seedy roadside motel.......... not a castle.
Expectation is the root of all heartache.
-William Shakespeare-
facilitated by our devotion to self, in the Dojo and the Gym.
We don't want to surrender ourselves to the problem
rather than the solution.
Womens' intuition is a good signpost for decision making,
but it usually bumps up against mans' logic.
We have to put ego aside and listen.
The I-pod, gym, and Dojo can become an escape rather than a tool
if we are not careful to give significance to all aspects of our lives,
Why does the eye see a thing more clearly in dreams
than the imagination when awake ?
-Leonardo Da Vinci-
Friday, September 26, 2014
Fearless Fitness/Martial Arts: The Treachery of the Ambiguous
Fearless Fitness/Martial Arts: The Treachery of the Ambiguous: The complexity and 'truth' of human contact is being replaced with simple, scalable equations, We maintain hundreds, even t...
The Treachery of the Ambiguous
The complexity and 'truth' of human contact
is being replaced with simple, scalable equations,
We maintain hundreds, even thousands more friends
than any human in history,
at the cost of complexity and depth.
Every minute spent online is 'face-to face' time lost.
Robb Buckland
The best of characters are attractive and repulsive at the same time.
I piss alot of people off with my stories because they read themselves into them.
One of the greatest hazards in life is to risk nothing at all.
Living well is to risk dying.
Loving well is to risk rejection.
Being a wordsmith is to risk being 'unfriended & blocked'
Being a wordsmith is to risk being 'unfriended & blocked'
All are obstacles you encounter when you take your eyes off your goal.
Facing and overcoming obstacles and fears
in the Dojo and the gym gives us the courage
in the Dojo and the gym gives us the courage
to face any challenge we'll face in life and love.
Beware the Devil was once an Angel.
He doesn't come to you with a red face and horns,
he comes to you disguised as everything you ever wanted.
Beware the Devil was once an Angel.
He doesn't come to you with a red face and horns,
he comes to you disguised as everything you ever wanted.
Character is developed through actions.
Positive and negative energy both give off a vibe.
Trust 'the vibe', energy rarely lies.
That 'stomach thing is your 'spider sense'
Trust It !!
Let go, let go of how you thought life should be,
and embrace the life that's trying to break through.
Positive and negative energy both give off a vibe.
Trust 'the vibe', energy rarely lies.
That 'stomach thing is your 'spider sense'
Trust It !!
Let go, let go of how you thought life should be,
and embrace the life that's trying to break through.
It is not who I am underneath,
but what I do that defines me.
-Bruce Wayne-
One last thing,......They're just words.
When 3 people have sex it's called a threesome
When two people have sex it's called a twosome
Why do people call me handsome ??
When 3 people have sex it's called a threesome
When two people have sex it's called a twosome
Why do people call me handsome ??
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Fearless Fitness/Martial Arts: A Douche bags day in court
Fearless Fitness/Martial Arts: A Douche bags day in court: I think its funny that people who treat you like shit get offended when you finally do the same to them. Former Lee police chief Joe...
A Douche bags day in court
I think its funny that people who treat you like shit
get offended when you finally do the same to them.
Former Lee police chief Joe Buffis on Wednesday denied charges of extortion,
money laundering and wire / mail fraud in U.S. District court in Massachusetts.
This guy stole over $52,000. from a children's Christmas Toy Fund !!!!
Why do I care what happens to this DOUCHE BAG ??
This guy made my life a living hell when I was growing up .
He put in 'the system' that I was 'armed and dangerous'.
I would get randomly pulled over 'cuffed and stuffed' at gunpoint,
I would be made to wait in a cruiser while my car was searched.
Nothing was ever found - no charges were ever filed,
until a 'bitch' named karma reached out and 'cuffed and stuffed' him !
Be Good, Do Good !
When a birds alive it eats ants,
when it dies ants eat the bird.
Time and circumstances can change at anytime
Don't devalue anyone in life.
You may be powerful today, but time is more powerful than you.
One tree can make a million matchsticks.
One matchstick can burn a forest of a million trees.
At the karma cafe' you'll be served what you deserve.
Karma has no deadline and she's a bitch.
It's a lie to say you have to let go of the past.
Nobody can let go of memories.
Each tear is an unforgettable memory.
Each smile is an undeniable mark.
Each heartbreak is an un-erasable scar.
There is no letting go, only moving on !!
For the innocent, the past may hold a reward. but for the treacherous
it's only a matter of time before time delivers what they truly deserve.
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Fearless Fitness/Martial Arts: The Quest for Equanimity
Fearless Fitness/Martial Arts: The Quest for Equanimity: Few are capable of expressing with equanimity opinions which differ from the prejudices of their own social environment. -Albert Ei...
The Quest for Equanimity
Few are capable of expressing with equanimity
opinions which differ from the
prejudices of their own social environment.
-Albert Einstein-
The latin aequanimitas, means to have an even mind;
aequusan even animus mind/soul is a state of psychological stability
and composure which is undisturbed by experience of or exposure to
emotions, pain, or other phenomena that may cause OTHERS
to loose the balance of their mind.
The virtue and value of equanimity is extolled and advocated
by a number of ancient religions and martial art masters.
Joe Lewis would speak of Bruce Lee entering a sort of 'alpha state'
during intense moments of there training together.
I have been busy with a great new job in an industry that I love,
The practice of equanimity allows you to consistently create outstanding results
while keeping a level head at work or in your life.
Being lied to by a friend or a customer, or having them 'twist your words'
to serve their own agenda used to give me that 'stomach thing' and I would just walk away because that person isn't worth my time.
Really though, what was happening was I was handing them a personal victory .
A sale is made at every table or in each situation,
them, or me....
My recent liberation from social media has been beneficial in helping
to cleanse the mind/soul of the attutudes and opinions of
The latin aequanimitas, means to have an even mind;
aequusan even animus mind/soul is a state of psychological stability
and composure which is undisturbed by experience of or exposure to
emotions, pain, or other phenomena that may cause OTHERS
to loose the balance of their mind.
The virtue and value of equanimity is extolled and advocated
by a number of ancient religions and martial art masters.
Joe Lewis would speak of Bruce Lee entering a sort of 'alpha state'
during intense moments of there training together.
I have been busy with a great new job in an industry that I love,
The practice of equanimity allows you to consistently create outstanding results
while keeping a level head at work or in your life.
Being lied to by a friend or a customer, or having them 'twist your words'
to serve their own agenda used to give me that 'stomach thing' and I would just walk away because that person isn't worth my time.
Really though, what was happening was I was handing them a personal victory .
A sale is made at every table or in each situation,
them, or me....
My recent liberation from social media has been beneficial in helping
to cleanse the mind/soul of the attutudes and opinions of
Monday, September 22, 2014
To Bad on Your Birthday
God gave us the gift of life;
It's up to us to give ourselves
the gift of living well.
Today I'm 51, it's a given I have less years in front of me than behind me.
People talk about mid-life crisis,
I think that's for people who are searching for a purpose, or an answer.
The two greatest days in our lives are the day we are born
and the day we discover why.
The more you praise and celebrate life, the more there is to celebrate.
I try to spend each day like its my birthday.
I realize my children are the roots of my responsibility
and try to give them and my friends unconditional love and acceptance.
Each year a birthday should be an opportunity to re-make yourself.
I leave behind all the ages I've been.
I have a house full of presents, thanks for that.
The greatest gift though is the love and friendship,
of all of you who have touched my life.
I'm at the point where there is one candle on the cake,
.... your hoping I can blow it out !!!! Ha Ha !
Maybe we'll all get good and drunk and burn down the
Yankee Candle store and sing Happy Birthday tonight !!
Fearless Fitness/Martial Arts: To Bad on Your Birthday
Fearless Fitness/Martial Arts: To Bad on Your Birthday: God gave us the gift of life; It's up to us to give ourselves the gift of living well. -Voltaire- Today I'm 51, ...
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Fearless Fitness/Martial Arts: A Matter of Intent
Fearless Fitness/Martial Arts: A Matter of Intent: Here's to bad judgment, questionable morals and a brutal hangover that'll result from yet another night spent trying to creat...
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
A Matter of Intent
Here's to bad judgment, questionable morals and a brutal hangover
that'll result from yet another night spent trying to create memories
we'll be to drunk to recall.
I've spent years attending every martial arts confrence and seminar
I had enough gas money to get to.
Slept in cars to save on hotels...whatever it took.
It was my avenue to overcoming low self esteem.
now when I look back on the past,
I smile and say to myself,
"I never thought I could do it, but I did.
I overcame all the people who tried to bring me down"
There will always be a reason why you meet people,
either you need them to change your life,
or your the one that will change theirs.
The journey is not easy, it is wrought with pain and disapointment.
if you are a slave to your emotions.
Emotions are the slaves to your thoughts,
and you are the slave to your emotions.
Bruce lee would talk about emotional content.
Joe Lewis, about having an attitude technique.
I tell my people to 'Act as if'......
'Move with authority'
On the sales floor I am a master manipulator.
a ruthless wordsmith with a bottomless 'toolbox'
and the tenacity of a rabid dog.
The intent though is not merely to create revenue for my company,
but to bring a lifetime of great memories to my customers and their families.
In the end all any of us has is our memories.
In Life, Love, Martial Arts and Business whats important is intent not illusion.
Keep your friends close and your enemies closer
Create REAL memories, cherish the time with friends and family,
train till you puke ....then train more
A plant doesn't grow from ambition
or to satisfy good intentions
They thrive because someone expended effort on them.
Monday, September 15, 2014
Fearless Fitness/Martial Arts: The Master Key
Fearless Fitness/Martial Arts: The Master Key: An innocent girl asks a Chinese master: Master, why is it that when a man has sex with many women he is considered a champion,but ...
The Master Key
An innocent girl asks a Chinese master:
Master, why is it that when a man has sex with many women he is
considered a champion,but when a woman has sex with many men
she is considered a whore ?
The master responds,
"Listen well my child.....A key that can open many locks is a master key.
A lock that can be opened by any key is USELESS."
During a recent trip to Walmart there was a belligerent man
berating one of the employees about something.
Normally I'd ignore it and keep walking but this was one of those times
that as you walk away, you get THAT feeling.
The guy was big , 6' 6' built like a' brick shit house' .
I asked him to calm down lower his voice and stop picking on poor girl.
As the last words were coming outta my mouth he hit me.
He threw a big left hook by my ear and cracked my wisdom tooth.
Funny, the 'Sunday Punch' is the most common of all punches.
We practice with it in every drill, yet I got drilled.
Regret is such a terrible feeling, but I don't regret the pain,
I just regret I didn't see it coming.
If you've ever had the 'pleasure' of training with Art Rabesa,
you know what happened next. Wuke' strike to the torso !
Art, thanks for 'The Master Key to Self Defense' !!
This man flew back 6 feet taking an entire aisle display with him.
He did not get up right away, when he did the police were there.
The officer asked me if my 'hands were registered'.
Always a wordsmith I replied, "No sir, but my truck is, and inspected !
A persons actions tell you everything you need to know.
Whether your fighting or loving, be a tiger.
The opinions of sheep don't matter.
To a tiger the sheep are just 'the meat' !
We must all suffer one of two things:
the pain of discipline or the pain of regret or disappointment.
-Jim Rohn-
Regret is such a terrible feeling,
One of the worst moments,
is when you lose respect for someone you used to 'like', or yourself.
I regret that .......
I don't regret the pain, the love or the moments.
I just regret I didn't see this coming.

to cause vibrations in the soul.
Uttering a word is like striking a note
on the imaginations keyboard.
Saturday, September 13, 2014
Fearless Fitness/Martial Arts: A Little Karmic Relief
Fearless Fitness/Martial Arts: A Little Karmic Relief: You can't connect the dots looking forward; You can only do it looking backwards. You have to trust that the dots will somehow ...
A Little Karmic Relief
You can't connect the dots looking forward;
You can only do it looking backwards.
You have to trust that the dots will somehow
connect in your future.
You have to trust in something,
your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever.
The success of social networking sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter,
involves a desire to keep the natural flow of connections strong.
Social media is a tool for our generation of business professionals,
just like the phone and fax were for the previous generation.
At some point in the last couple months I opened up an e-mail
that unleashed a virus to my phone, laptop & I-Pod.
I was enduring some 'personal crisises' and was distracted.
I do my best writing while under the spell of the liquid muse.
Mixing up drinks with mixed feelings.
Just when you think your getting a grip,
reality sneaks up and gives you the slip.
Research shows that the more a person
in a romantic relationship uses Facebook,
the more likely they are to monitor their partners
Facebook activity leading to feelings of jealousy.
Social media is relationship kryptonite
She liked a lot of my pics she must like me.
He likes a lot of her posts, he's hitting on her.
His profile pic only got 12 likes and 7 comments,
Mine got 46 likes and 13 comments.
Truth has nothing to do with words.
Truth can be likened to the bright moon in the sky.
Words, can be likened to the finger pointing to the moon.
To look at the moon we need to look passed the finger.
Or we'll miss all the heavenly glory.
-Robb Buckland-
Friday, September 12, 2014
Fearless Fitness/Martial Arts: Cleanse that Palate
Fearless Fitness/Martial Arts: Cleanse that Palate: There Comes A Time When You Realize Turning The page is the Best Feeling in the World, Because You Realize there is so much...
Cleanse that Palate
There Comes A Time When You Realize
Turning The page is the Best Feeling in the World,
Because You Realize there is so much more to
than the Page you were Stuck On.
-Robb Buckland-
A common ritual in both wine tasting and fine dining is to cleanse the palate.
It is easier to appreciate all the complex and varied flavors you are sampling
if you clear one taste from your senses before attempting the next.
Change isn't easy, especially if you have a bad taste in your mouth.
Whether it's changing coaches,trainers,gyms, Dojos or training methods.
Separating from what we feel comfortable with is not easy but ...
Life is Change
Lola Montez so Beautiful
Shady and a tempered dame
Blinding your eyes with her spider dance
no words will later come
Did the spider bite your tongue ?
We will surely not forget
The Lola Spider Dance
'Lola Montez'
Did the spider bite your tongue ?
We will surely not forget
The Lola Spider Dance
'Lola Montez'
Love , Martial Arts training and business are sooo similar.
Just like with Lola, when she's dirty & flirtatious with you it's HOT.
As soon as she's with someone else we call her a whore.
(When she was your whore it was o.k. though, RIGHT ??)
It's a psychosis , I have it too.
In business we 'take the gloves off' !!!
What does that really mean ?
We'll say or do WHATEVER to get that deal.
That doesn't generate alot of referrals.
We leave a gym, martial arts style or instructor
we 'knock' the other style, instructor or coaches methodologies,
Because we are hard wired to resist change.
Twisted but true.
That doesn't generate alot of referrals.
We leave a gym, martial arts style or instructor
we 'knock' the other style, instructor or coaches methodologies,
Because we are hard wired to resist change.
Twisted but true.
Who is she ??
After a separation she became a ‘shipboard
She thought her escapades were a secret.....
But, Lola Montez was the talk of the town.
The ‘real’ story of Lola
Montez was no secret.
She wasn't much of a dancer but her suggestive,
eccentric antics excited the crowd.
My friend Jerry ridicules me on regular basis
on the subject of love vs 'just gettin some'
In business, love and Fitness,
We need to aspire to inspire,
We need to have the courage to tell the truth,
The heart to face our fears
and the perseverance to never quit.
In business, love and Fitness,
We need to aspire to inspire,
We need to have the courage to tell the truth,
The heart to face our fears
and the perseverance to never quit.
Someone I used to know said to me,
" I don't want to be just 'another'."
If you don't wanna be 'Just Another'
You've Gotta,
Be the One,
Do not Dwell in the past,
Do not Dream of the Future
The answer isn't in the Why
It's in Living in the Present
-Robb Buckland-
If you don't wanna be 'Just Another'
You've Gotta,
Be the One,
Do not Dwell in the past,
Do not Dream of the Future
The answer isn't in the Why
It's in Living in the Present
-Robb Buckland-
In everyones' life, at some time, our inner fire goes out.
It is then burst into flame
by an encounter with another human being.
We all should be thankful for those who rekindle our spirit.
-Albert Schweitzer-
Sunday, September 7, 2014
Fearless Fitness/Martial Arts: Born Without Bones
Fearless Fitness/Martial Arts: Born Without Bones: In all Matters of Opinion, Our Adversaries are Insane. - Oscar Wilde- I've been doing 'weighted walking' each day for a...
Born Without Bones
In all Matters of Opinion, Our Adversaries are Insane.
- Oscar Wilde-
I've been doing 'weighted walking' each day for about an hour with the I pod,
The time with tunes drowning out the voices in your head and enhances creativity.
It was during one such walk I remembered this story from 'the road.'
I was getting off the elevator of the hotel and sitting on the couch in the hospitality suite
was a beautiful blonde woman crying softly.
Of course the white knight takes over and I sit next to her and ask if shes o.k. .
Apparently her fiance' (a cowboy) was being prosecuted for stalking,
and was likely going to prison.
The story went on and on and my attention drifted in and out of the conversation.
Until I noticed an unusual scar on her shoulder.
When I inquired about the scar she told me she was
So being kind, considerate and with my most sincere tone.
I told her I was born without bones.
She looked amazed !!!
I then told her I was adopted and wouldn't ya know she was too !
The tears started to roll down her cheeks.
I said, "What's wrong ?"
And then It happened.........
She looked up with tear filled eyes and said,
"Maybe were twins !"
In these times of instant gratification,
fast food fitness (8 min abs,)
D.V.R.s. binge watching T.V.ect ;
It's easy to be fooled by the fake images / personas created by fancy online profiles
The manipulative games people play on/with one another in business and relationships trying to serve their own selfish agendas
Both are reprehensible to me.
Rank, titles and awards are window dressing.
My approach to martial arts, my approach to fitness, my approach to love and life may be
unbridaled, unorthodox and occasionally
offensive but......
With me what you see is what you get.
In giving you these stories
I'm sharing my life with you,
Heart on my sleeve, Fire in my soul and a determined watchful eye to a better future.
Our prime purpose should be to strive to help others,
Not hurt them.
Now Smile ....Go make Someone Laugh.......This our Time ......
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