Sunday, December 31, 2017

Fearless Fitness/Martial Arts: The picture book

Fearless Fitness/Martial Arts: The picture book: 2017 Broke me, Matured me, Whooped my ass, Humbled me, Blessed me, And made me one hell of a savage!  Best of all Awakened me. Thank y...

The picture book

Broke me, Matured me, Whooped my ass, Humbled me, Blessed me,
And made me one hell of a savage!  Best of all Awakened me.
Thank you for the Best WORST year of my entire life!

This month was an awakening experience. 
Tomorrow starts 2018 a 365 day blank book for you to write in. At Fearless Family Martial Arts we free people from their concerns; Health,Fitness, Nutrition and Fun ....we always have Fun. take a chance on Faith this year join our journey

At a gym or on your own you can only Hope your fitness plan will work
    It's easy and comfortable to think you're eating healthy "most of the time."
It's easy and comfortable to just buy the gym membership. 
Easy is comfortable. 
No change is made while being comfortable.

 Hope walks through the fire while Faith leaps over it. Not Hope but Faith.
We will open the door to your dreams, you just need to have the Faith to walk through.
In your life you only have two choices love and fear. Choose to love and be FEARLESS.

I was a 'deleter'. Deleting pictures, messages, blocking on social media was a habit I've had for years. It was my way of 'taking out the trash' in my head and in my life. While writing a story the other day, in my usual fashion using words as weapons and the pen/keyboard as a sword, I had to search for a picture....but it was gone. DELETED.

Growing up my parents would show slides from events we experienced as a family.
A kind of slide show of life.
I sure didn't expect to have a 'slide show moment', but I did.
Our ability to remember forms the basis of who we are. Memory is our past and future.
To know who you are as a person, you need to know where you've been.
Your remembered life is a good guide to what you will do tomorrow. 'Our memory is our coherence' When we lose memory we lose a piece of who we are.

     I clicked through hundreds of pictures, reliving experiences as if they just happened.
True love confessions on a cold rainy beach at night, 'cake by the ocean',
divorce court selfies with tear stained smiling faces,

 out door training sessions with students past and present when the beach was our dojo,
flooding hotel rooms with hot tubs, The best birthday 'cake' ever,
Edible arrangements showing up 'just in time', 'movie moment gift giving',
and 'Saving a Starfish'.

Funny, in the Dojo as an up and coming fighter I was known as 'Wrecking Ball. On the mat now I'm like a damn rolodex of Martial Arts knowledge a Kyoshi, 'Teacher of Teachers'.

In life, not so much. I was a deleter, an actor playing a role, just a wave in the ocean.
Ego is the voice in your head that tells you your not good enough, just a drop in the ocean.
I've since learned that the wave is the ocean and so am I.
We're already complete we are already good enough once we realize this suffering ends.

We are not the avitars we create, we are not the pictures we collect , we are the light that shines through.them We would do well to remember,

Life doesn't happen to you, It happens for you. 

See you in class

Friday, December 29, 2017

Fearless Fitness/Martial Arts: Notice me Sempai

Fearless Fitness/Martial Arts: Notice me Sempai: As our minds turn to the new year, our hope for a new better self becomes resolutions. We are all very conscious of how others view us ...

Fearless Fitness/Martial Arts: We give good gifts......

Fearless Fitness/Martial Arts: We give good gifts......:      'Sorrow doesn't come without seed'.         T.D. Jakes  This seed, is a message that something needs to change, It&#39...

Fearless Fitness/Martial Arts: Heroes and villains

Fearless Fitness/Martial Arts: Heroes and villains: The Dojo is a spiritual 'safe haven' for me, it always has been . But tonight something was different. The Greeks describe the fee...

Fearless Fitness/Martial Arts: The boy on the bus

Fearless Fitness/Martial Arts: The boy on the bus: The boy on the bus is a disaster story. We can aspire to a happy ending but your better off scraping hearts off of a bar room floor som...

Fearless Fitness/Martial Arts: Heroes and villains

Fearless Fitness/Martial Arts: Heroes and villains: The Dojo is a spiritual 'safe haven' for me, it always has been . But tonight something was different. The Greeks describe the fee...

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Fearless Fitness/Martial Arts: The boy on the bus

Fearless Fitness/Martial Arts: The boy on the bus: The boy on the bus is a disaster story. We can aspire to a happy ending but your better off at a dollar night somewhere than on this bu...

The boy on the bus

The boy on the bus is a disaster story. We can aspire to a happy ending but your better off scraping hearts off of a bar room floor somewhere than on this bus ride. 

Life is a fight, but not everyone's a fighter.

. I've only entrusted this story to a few special people before but it's time to get off the bus now, whether anyone is waiting at the station or not. 

As a kid the school bus wasn't the best of places for me. 
When people hurt you over and over, think of them like sand paper; They may scratch and hurt you, but in the end, you end up polished and they end up useless. 

In the Dojo we teach the art of fighting. In our fitness classes you learn 'Self Coaching' both develop a fighters heart'. In the fight game there is always a chance you could loose,
 A bully wants to beat somebody; he doesn't want to fight somebody.

In abusive relationships and in schools, people are bullied into silence and are afraid to speak up. Unfortunately to be successful in future relationships or day to day life communication is key.

Empower yourself. You need confidence because the one thing that bullying does is it belittles you and takes away your confidence, and nobody deserves that.

 A former student used to end every class or sparring session in tears but their personal growth through regular training made them an inspration for children and a master of getting these kids out of their shells and definitly earned my respect as a teacher a mentor and a friend. 

It's been a hell of a month, a hell of a year and next year is full of promise . But now it's time for this boy to get off the bus ,Who knows whats gonna be there when the bus doors open !

With great sacrifice come great rewards.

We all have our convictions formed by different things, and mine are informed by my faith in my team, 
my students, hard work and in God., Join our Journey Learn the difference.

Heroes and villains

The Dojo is a spiritual 'safe haven' for me, it always has been . But tonight something was different. The Greeks describe the feeling as 'The Mati' , The evil eye is a curse believed to be cast by a malevolent glare, usually given to a person when they are unaware and will cause misfortune or injury. Man,  It's nights like these that make you wanna sleep all day and the sad songs don't help

 Imagination is a powerful thing and can work for you or against you, depending on whether your outlook is positive or negative I'm trying to allow myself to be guided by the visions that inspire the words this week.

It's the worst at night. I could just drive.....I've got a half a tank.

I know the way you think affects the way you feel and the way you feel creates the circumstances you attract so I always aspire to think good thoughts. But our thoughts can be heroes and villains.

Glory is fleeting and obscurity is eternal. A student recently taught me a lesson about ego. It kind of reminds me of the old cartoon........

We have no way of knowing if the person who we think we are is at the core of our being. Are you a decent person with the potential to someday become an evil dark agent, or are you an evil dark agent that thinks it's a decent person? That's not verbatim but the lesson was that Ego is the monster and when we listen to it we feed it. The lies we tell people are nothing compared to the lies we tell ourselves. I don't think people are born heroes or villains they are shaped by those around them.

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Fearless Fitness/Martial Arts: a bridge to far

Fearless Fitness/Martial Arts: Resolve: We use martial arts and fitness as a tool to become better human beings, and we do it In an emviorment that cultivates strong relationships...

A bridge to far

We use martial arts and fitness as a tool to become better human beings, and we do it In an enviorment that cultivates strong relationships with ourselves, and a community of empowered people around us.

    One of the best Christmas messages I got this year was from one of my black belts Dustin. I was 'going through it' over the holidays and he reminded me what loyalty and dedication is.

He said, "I'd jump off a bridge for you sensei."

Of course I never asked him to do that. I, like Joe Lewis asked of me, ......asked him only for 11 minutes, to fight with all his heart not quit. My promise to him in return was that I would teach him for life.

Loyalty and dedication are rare commodities Dustin has both. So many nowadays fall short,there is no love, joy or passion without pain. The path to wisdom is paved by mentors and pain, we provide both.

Cornelius Ryans' book A Bridge Too Far gives an account of Operation Market Garden, a failed Allied attempt to break through German lines at Arnhem in the occupied Netherlands during World War II. The title of the book comes from a comment made by British Lieutenant General Frederick Browning, deputy commander of the First Allied Airborne Army, who told Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery before the operation, "I think we may be going a bridge too far".

In today's world so many attributes we claim to aspire to come with an expiration date, how far is to far when it comes to Honor, Commitment, Love and Respect of a relationship or a goal?

Whether it's dieting, fitness or love, life constantly puts temptations in front of us to test our resolve, loyalty or respect. Discipline and honor to commitment are the basics of self respect. Stick to basics and enjoy life with dignity.

  Set your goals, listen to your coach, portion your meals ,train regularly .....join our journey learn the difference

Fearless Fitness/Martial Arts: Notice me Sempai

Fearless Fitness/Martial Arts: Notice me Sempai: As our minds turn to the new year, our hope for a new better self becomes resolutions. We are all very conscious of how others view us ...

Notice me Sempai

As our minds turn to the new year, our hope for a new better self becomes resolutions. We are all very conscious of how others view us so our thoughts turn to health and fitness.

 Our thoughts can become goals and our goals turn to reality if we listen to the right 'voice in our head'. Self coaching is key and communication; with ourselves or others is paramount to success in our relationships or achieving our dreams. I recently discovered this while trying to improve my abilities at communication in relationships.

The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose. 

William Shakespeare

In 'the cage' with Lucifer
We are our own worst enemies when it comes to sabotaging our relationships and our resolutions. In this story Ego is the devil and represents negative self talk. By changing frequencies it changes how we hear the messages in our heads.  Sometimes sacrifice is necessary, don't struggle with it embrace it and with the change is the reward. Train 30 minutes minimum most days. Make good food choices portion and supplement. Make sure its fun. Read books, watch videos, write, sing and laugh. When you can laugh at life you become less stressed. Above all eliminate negative 'self talk'.

Both the Devil and the Angelic Spirit present us with objects of desire to awaken our power of choice.


On a good day, I can appreciate my journey. I can look in the mirror, see myself, and feel good about the steps I’ve taken, and even the steps I’ve missed along the way.

Fearless Fitness/Martial Arts: Notice me Sempai

Fearless Fitness/Martial Arts: Notice me Sempai: As our minds turn to the new year, our hope for a new better self become resolutions. We are all very conscious of how others view us s...

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Fearless Fitness/Martial Arts: The re - broken cup 'redux'

Fearless Fitness/Martial Arts: The re - broken cup 'redux':   Several years ago a Kyoshi saw pieces of a broken cup scattered on the floor. He walked by them many times until one day as if the bea...

The re - broken cup, a parable 'redux'

  Several years ago a Kyoshi saw pieces of a broken cup scattered on the floor. He walked by them many times until one day as if the beautiful broken pieces of lacquer mixed with silver and gold called to him. He believed when something is broken and has suffered damage it has a history,
 a story, and becomes even more beautiful.

  He carefully reassembled the fragments and as he did the light from the cup began to warm his heart.t. He specialized in the Japanese art of fixing broken pottery so this task was not new, but this time some how more significant than others. He poured his heart and soul into the fractured vessel like ‘water’ and there were tears that both cleared his eyes and cleansed his soul. He so loved the cup he wrapped it in silk to protect it from possibly falling again.
  One day after a rigorous day of training the Kyoshi poured tea in the cup as he did after each workout and it nearly fell from his hand. He felt a knot rise in his stomach, for if he’d dropped his precious cup it might have broken on the hard stone floor and that would have been terrible.

And then the Kyoshi smiled .He changed his mind or default 'settings'
Held out his hand and deliberately dropped the cup and it shattered on the floor.

He’d realized that the things you possess actually possess you and being attached to objects or negative behaviors is a barrier to the spirit.
And so he let his beloved tea cup go and gained freedom from it.

  Don't be a imprisoned by your goals, be empowered by them. Portioning, cleansing, regular training are a habit. Change your 'default settings''ll change your life.

Life is like Sanchin ;
We draw our breath down from heaven and up from the earth grasping and releasing and grasping again hoping to find balance at our center, a balance of the warrior, the monk and the scholar - ’Mushin’
Join our journey learn the difference

Monday, December 25, 2017

Fearless Fitness/Martial Arts: The boy and his dog

Fearless Fitness/Martial Arts: The boy and his dog:     Our story begins in 'The Historic Triangle'. Linked by the scenic 23-mile Colonial Parkway, Jamestown, Williamsburg, and Yorktow...

The boy and his dog

    Our story begins in 'The Historic Triangle'. Linked by the scenic 23-mile Colonial Parkway, Jamestown, Williamsburg, and Yorktown were stops on our nation’s journey from the first settlement to the final battle that secured independence for the citizens of the new nation.
More than a nation was born here, it's also the birthplace of the story of a boy and his dog.

Shiva reminds us that endings are beginnings

   The beginning of a new year is seen as a time for for new beginnings, we make resolutions for our transformation and restoration. Despite good intentions, success is hard to come by, behavior change requires a 'change in your default settings' or you'll simply repeat your old destructive behavior.

    The chances of success increases when an incentive is added.

Humans like lab rats will go through a maze in one direction to find sugar water at the end..
More than punches and kicks 'the dojo' offers a lifelong lifestyle choice for health and fitness for the the mind, body and spirit.. Most see the black belt as an end but for a few it is only a beginning. When you reach the end of what you should know, you will be at the beginning of what you should sense. The martial journey is like a story with three beginnings. One for the audience, one for the teacher, the third is the student who has decided to pay for pain.

Beginnings and endings are just random pieces of the middle that happen to stand out, the value of your story is in your willingness to sacrifice.

     Gripping the wheel his knuckles went white with desire. This was how the boy would reset his 'default settings'.The wheels of his Mustang exploding on the Colonial Parkway like a slug from a 45. His mother scolded him after he quit college pointing out that he "never completed anything". This car  was a symbol of his willingness to sacrifice. 440 Horsepower of maximum performance screaming down this historic road was more than his therapy, it was a dark shadow grey metallic, air ram inducted muscular middle finger to her..... He even named it Annabelle after her.
    He veered off the road and the gravel sapped the momentum from the tires., he then rose from the car and lit a much needed cigarette. While scanning the tree lined shore he heard a whimper and saw what looked like a wet furry ball struggling by the water. He approached the shivering little wet bundle and carefully picked it up wrapping it in his t shirt someone had beaten, abandoned and left for dead a Lab/Wolf hybrid. For several years he nurtured, taught and loved the pup and he named it 'Shinjo'. One day 'Shinjo' jumped a fence and was 'taken' by a large truck. He was gone.

Shiva reminds us that endings are beginnings, and that our world is constantly undergoing a cycle of birth, death and rebirth

Tomorrow, is the first blank page of a 365 page book. Write a good one. Change 'your default settings' and sacrifice the unnecessary, Sacrifice comes in many shapes, time, passion and money... don't forget your worth it.Your Championship is forged in the passionate fire of your will and gauged by sacrifice and  'the willingness get up' not the number of victories, titles, pounds lost or pounds lifted.

Join our Journey, learn the difference 

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Fearless Fitness/Martial Arts: We give good gifts......

Fearless Fitness/Martial Arts: We give good gifts......:      'Sorrow doesn't come without seed'.         T.D. Jakes  This seed, is a message that something needs to change, It&#39...

We give good gifts......

    'Sorrow doesn't come without seed'.         T.D. Jakes

 This seed, is a message that something needs to change, It's a gift.. If we listen to the message we receive the gift. We get strength through our sorrow. Don't suffer the pain without receiving the benefit. Change your mind.

    Nothing is as powerful as a changed mind. Like a computer we're governed by our 'default settings'. We operate from repeated behaviors that hurt us and those whose lives we touch. Changing our mind or changing our 'default settings' allows us to create lasting change in ourselves. With these changes the lifestyle you create becomes a life long journey or  a mistake.

And make straight paths for your feet, lest that which is lame be turned out of the way; but let it rather be healed.                   

   Hebrews  12:13

   Value is determined by sacrifice With fitness and nutrition it means portioning, cleansing and regular exercise. Adhering to this even while occasionally slipping or cheating will send a message to your body, your friends and will change your metabolic 'default settings' .

 Value is determined by sacrifice Every gift has a weakness. In relationships  it's the strengths that are advertised and not the weakness. Be careful not to say 'I do' to the strengths cause it's the weakness that you have live with. She wants to workout, he wants to get high. He gets mad at the amount of time he spends in class because he puts no value your training. She gets mad at the amount of time he spends getting high because she values her time as a currency for creating lasting change.

 Value is determined by sacrifice. Communication is key. As you navigate life make sure to communicate your desires and priorities to those who touch your life. If your sacrifice goes unrecognized it will be unappreciated. Communication is key.

We give good gifts

For me giving good gifts is not a seasonal thing or a holiday thing, I aspire to honor my mentors by giving consistent quality gifts like confidence, courage, loyalty and self esteem.

We give good gifts, a Christmas story.   

Once upon a time while trying to 'give good gifts' our subject driven by love and perhaps a little crazy braved 'white out' weather conditions in a near antique vehicle to ensure timely delivery of a Christmas gift and message. The vehicle died and the tow never came that snowy night. The gifts  went unappreciated and the sacrifice unrecognized.

Value is determined by sacrifice

Sometimes a gift, given without expectation, is taken for granted and goes unappreciated even when given at great personal sacrifice. We would do well to remember that gratitude, thankfulness and appreciation stem from grace and not all of us have an unlimited supply of that. Gifts and love are like seed and often require time to be recognized and their true value appreciated.Never steal a heart then break it.

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son

John 3:16

Take your time, breath deeply, give without expectation, love yourself and your 'team', look to the stars and imagine yourself running with them. Be thankful for what you have and you'll have more; not what you had and lost or don't have. The hardest part on the journey is having the patience to wait  for the right moment and the courage not to be disappointed by the result we encounter.

Merry Christmas

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Fearless Fitness/Martial Arts: Geppetos' wish

Fearless Fitness/Martial Arts: Geppetos' wish:  Geppato  who carved a wooden puppet named Pinnochio.  The puppet is brought to life and is informed that he can become a real boy if he...

Geppetos' wish

 Geppato who carved a wooden puppet named Pinnochio. The puppet is brought to life and is informed that he can become a real boy if he proves himself to be "brave, truthful, and unselfish". Pinocchio's efforts to become a real boy involve encounters with a host of unsavory characters and situations.

The martial arts are ultimately self-knowledge.
 A punch or a kick is not to knock the hell out of the guy in front, 
but to knock the hell out of your ego, your fear, or your hang-ups.”
- Bruce Lee

I remember many challenges, breakthroughs, and setbacks during my years of training and still do. What I do not remember are distractions or gimmicks like you often see at your local health club. At the martial arts studios and boxing gyms where I trained there was just hard work and sweat equity. As a martial artist, your child or your inner child, will learn what it is to be still, challenged, and focused.

Unfortunately stillness and silence seem to be rare to find. At some juncture in life, every one of us comes to learn that the greatest obstacle we face in this lifetime is ourselves. That battle is fought in the stillness of our hearts and the willingness to confront ourselves

In the martial arts, you will learn what it is to take a hit, whether that hit is a literal blow or a disappointment like failing a test or losing in the ring.

A martial artist is taught to see, feel, and listen - both internally and externally. 
Tapping into intuition, fear, and courage are examples of being able to put the physical with the mental How often have we heard the phrase “being paralyzed with fear”? Being able to combat such a thing is what you learn in the martial arts.

Geppeto Sensei we need to remember that ,

'Pinnochio might not be ready to be a real boy'. 

Our personal aspirations and feelings dont take presidence. Take the time to nurture the hopes, dreams and aspirations of a student they may never be a fighter or a teacher and even if they are wearing their,
 'wishbone where there backbone should be' .
 We cannot walk the path for them, we can only point the way.

Join our journey learn the difference

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Fearless Fitness/Martial Arts: The assignment

Fearless Fitness/Martial Arts: The assignment: The struggle is real Life gives you so many experiences, some are good and some are bad. Struggling is the real meaning of life, witho...

The assignment

The struggle is real

Life gives you so many experiences, some are good and some are bad. Struggling is the real meaning of life, without it you will not be able to do big things in your life. The more struggle, the more you succeed. You will meet so many people, some people will provide good experiences and some will give you a bad experience. Don't be affected by the people who give you a bad experience, instead be thankful they gave you a chance of finding someone or something that makes you someone who is better than before. Be strong and keep smiling in whatever condition. One day life will be tired of hurting you.

Know your assignment

Everything created was created to solve a problem. A car solves transportation problem,telephone communication problems etc. You were created to solve a problem; problems are catalyst for creativity. Somebody needs, wants you today. You are necessary to somebody somewhere today. You get rewarded according to the problem you solve.
You are absolutely perfect and genetically accurate for solving a specific problem for somebody on earth. Somebody needs exactly what you have been given by God. Someone is literally dying emotionally, mentally or spiritually waiting for you to come along and rescue them. You are their reward.

What you love most is the clue to your assignment; you will always have wisdom towards what you love. What really excites you, brings great enthusiasms and happy moments (days) of your life is a clue to your assignment.
What you hate is a clue as to something you are assigned to correct; you cannot really correct and or change something unless you have a hatred of for it…you cannot change what you tolerate. Hatred and Anger is passion, you need them.
What grieves you is a sign, clue, to something you are assigned to heal; what makes you cry is a clue to a problem God has anointed you to change, conquer and heal. Also, where you hurt most is a clue to what you may heal best.

My assignment

There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure. Anthony Robbins says, 'The meeting of preparation with opportunity generates the offspring we call luck.' Combine that with Buzz Durkin s reminder that 'success is waiting' and BOOM !
I feel I am lucky. I am grateful for this life that God has given me. I am happy, as I am getting to do work that I want to do and enjoy doing it. It seems the harder I work the luckier I get !

Join our journey learn the difference

Monday, December 18, 2017

Fearless Fitness/Martial Arts: Shes just plastic

Fearless Fitness/Martial Arts: Shes just plastic: Shes just plastic she doesn't need to be nurtured or understood. But we aren't plastic are we ?  We enter the Dojo and take o...

Shes just plastic

Shes just plastic she doesn't need to be nurtured or understood.

But we aren't plastic are we ? 
We enter the Dojo and take off our shoes 'to leave the dirt of the world behind us'. But when we leave that dirt is right there waiting for us isn't it.

Transfering this Dojo lesson to our own lives is tricky but it can be done. 

We hold on to toxic relationships out of the fear of letting go. Just like martial training there is more resolve required to let go than hold on. We say trust your block in class but in our head were saying 'but im gonna get hit'. Letting go is like a 'gut punch' every step of the way. Ghandi said, "I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet"

We Fear Failure. Don't make it personal, seperate the failure from your identity. Release the need for approval of others, often our fear of failure is based on our fear of being judged or losing the respect or esteem of others. Dr Seuss says, "If you don't mind it don't matter".

We procrastinate. Recognize that your procrastinating. Re-prioritize make time for whats important to you. Get to the gym, plan your meals and portion, get to class ! You say your a warrior but your deadlier with your keyboard than your side kick, straight right , headlock or sweep. The trash won't take itself out of your kitchen or out of your life. ACT !!

We aren't plastic, 

we do need to be nurtured and understood

It starts by taking off your shoes and leaving the dirt of the world behind you, in your head and in your heart. See you in class.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Fearless Fitness/Martial Arts: Who is your Sensei ...."There can be only one" !

Fearless Fitness/Martial Arts: Who is your Sensei ...."There can be only one" !:           So many are responsible for shaping my development. For years I have been mentored by those I choose, ....not only one. From...

Who is your Sensei ...."There can be only one" !

          So many are responsible for shaping my development. For years I have been mentored by those I choose, ....not only one. From each I learned and experienced signifigant and diverse things.

Mentorship is the impartation of
information. Mentorship is accepting
perfect knowledge from an imperfect
man. Your mentor is anyone who
consistently teaches you what you want
to know. It was the secret of Elijah
and Elisha; Moses and Joshua; Paul
and Timothy. Pursue and extract the
knowledge of the mentors that God has
made available to your life. Mentorship
Is Learning Through The Pain of
Another. Your Future Is Determined By
Who You Choose To Believe.

“A wise man will hear, and will
increase learning; and a man of understanding
shall attain unto wise counsels,”
(Proverbs 1:5).

Understanding different relationships
People come into your life for a season. Others entertain various parts of your life. We need to understand that everyone will treat us differently.
 Dr Mike Murdock said,
People are different around different people. 
Some manipulate via affection.
 Few love enough to put another first.” 

That puts two things into question:
1) A person’s self-esteem
2) A person’s values

Proper use of relationships will result in proper life managementIt’s not just in being disciplined enough to manage your time but also people. You will need to know why some people come into your life. You see some want you to be a friend. Some want you to be a confidante. Some want you to be a “Ladder” to their future.

A great example in my mind is former World Kickboxing Champion Dennis Alexio who publicly talked about Joe Lewis as a mentor then snubbed him once he was World Champion..

You must be willing to listen to others.
 We all see through different eyes, feel with different hearts, and hear with different ears.

 Involve as many people as possible in your dream.
 You need people to assist you in order to achieve your dream. 
Solomon wrote and reached out to many to assist him in the building of the Temple.

He listened to people.
He listened to kings.
He listened to leaders.
He even listened to two quarreling harlots.

 He listened to enthusiastic voices of encouragement wherever he found them.

 Fall in love with people and people will fall in love with you. 
“People don't care how important you are, 
it's important that you care.”
Remembering this simple key can make a profound difference.
  • Those around you are great. Become worthy of them.
  • Those around you can become great. Become their “bridge to greatness.”
  • Uncommon achievers recognize and reward other uncommon achievers.
In In retrospect I wonder how many of my achievments were empty 'rewards".
I aspire to create uncommon achievement in others and through this I am building a legacy  forged in a unified fire of wills , mine and my student.