Sunday, December 31, 2017

The picture book

Broke me, Matured me, Whooped my ass, Humbled me, Blessed me,
And made me one hell of a savage!  Best of all Awakened me.
Thank you for the Best WORST year of my entire life!

This month was an awakening experience. 
Tomorrow starts 2018 a 365 day blank book for you to write in. At Fearless Family Martial Arts we free people from their concerns; Health,Fitness, Nutrition and Fun ....we always have Fun. take a chance on Faith this year join our journey

At a gym or on your own you can only Hope your fitness plan will work
    It's easy and comfortable to think you're eating healthy "most of the time."
It's easy and comfortable to just buy the gym membership. 
Easy is comfortable. 
No change is made while being comfortable.

 Hope walks through the fire while Faith leaps over it. Not Hope but Faith.
We will open the door to your dreams, you just need to have the Faith to walk through.
In your life you only have two choices love and fear. Choose to love and be FEARLESS.

I was a 'deleter'. Deleting pictures, messages, blocking on social media was a habit I've had for years. It was my way of 'taking out the trash' in my head and in my life. While writing a story the other day, in my usual fashion using words as weapons and the pen/keyboard as a sword, I had to search for a picture....but it was gone. DELETED.

Growing up my parents would show slides from events we experienced as a family.
A kind of slide show of life.
I sure didn't expect to have a 'slide show moment', but I did.
Our ability to remember forms the basis of who we are. Memory is our past and future.
To know who you are as a person, you need to know where you've been.
Your remembered life is a good guide to what you will do tomorrow. 'Our memory is our coherence' When we lose memory we lose a piece of who we are.

     I clicked through hundreds of pictures, reliving experiences as if they just happened.
True love confessions on a cold rainy beach at night, 'cake by the ocean',
divorce court selfies with tear stained smiling faces,

 out door training sessions with students past and present when the beach was our dojo,
flooding hotel rooms with hot tubs, The best birthday 'cake' ever,
Edible arrangements showing up 'just in time', 'movie moment gift giving',
and 'Saving a Starfish'.

Funny, in the Dojo as an up and coming fighter I was known as 'Wrecking Ball. On the mat now I'm like a damn rolodex of Martial Arts knowledge a Kyoshi, 'Teacher of Teachers'.

In life, not so much. I was a deleter, an actor playing a role, just a wave in the ocean.
Ego is the voice in your head that tells you your not good enough, just a drop in the ocean.
I've since learned that the wave is the ocean and so am I.
We're already complete we are already good enough once we realize this suffering ends.

We are not the avitars we create, we are not the pictures we collect , we are the light that shines through.them We would do well to remember,

Life doesn't happen to you, It happens for you. 

See you in class

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