Friday, November 7, 2014

Rotting on the Vine

Time you enjoy wasting, is not time wasted.
Iv'e been through 2 legal pads of notes trying to make this damn thing perfect.

At least I'm laughing at myself and my 'OCD shotgun' approach to this. 
I feel like a day spent without laughing would really be a wasted one.
At least I'm doing that !!!

Trying to live with a sense of urgency often makes things seem overwhelming.
Sometimes it's better when things aren't perfect.
At least that way you know 'it's' real.
Creativity, is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art, is knowing which ones to keep.

I'm working on a DVD project with one of my mentors, Art Rabesa.
We are highlighting Arts' encyclopedic knowledge of Power In-Fighting and training methodologies with an R.M.A. twist ......FEARS style !!!

Excellence is attainable, but perfection ?
In our profession, precision and perfection are not dispensable luxuries,
 they're necessary attributes.

I was doing my weighted walk through the cemetery today.
Leaves were blowing everywhere, Summer's death has completely given way
 to the decay of Fall: now too soon replaced by Winters frosty grip.

It reminded me of how we all hope for breakthrough rebirth moments.
My training went through a renaissance after experiencing the power of Art Rabesa.

Art said something interesting during a recent phone conversation.
He said, "I don't need to hurt anyone for them to learn this 'stuff'. "

O.K. but I sure remember pain......
I think we gain wisdom from mentors and pain and Art Rabesa provides both.
I'm sure thankful for it too because the experience changed 'my martial art' forever.

In Martial Arts, Fitness, Life and Love were are searching for
someone or something whose 'demons' will play well with ours. 

Arts' 'demons' play well with mine

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